1·Peer through the letterbox, and in the gloom you see a calendar pinned to the wall.
2·It is the vegetables, plus the bottle of wine in the window, that makes me stop and peer through its sliding door.
3·Before my entire ravaged colon was removed, my doctors let me peer through the scope and take a look at it as it died.
4·Many city kids, even if they did peer through the orange smog above their heads, would probably see only a handful of stars.
5·The Fauns also he blessed, and the little things that dance in the woodland, and the bright-eyed things that peer through the leaves.
6·Shaking with fear, the children peer through the window of his cottage before a spine-tingling scene in which he creeps up behind them.
7·Lin said although the stairs were made of frosted glass, the men were still able to peer through the gaps to catch a glimpse of the female customers.
8·From April 2nd to 5th, millions of people worldwide will peer through telescopes to catch their first glimpse of the universe, just as Galileo did 400 years ago.
9·Staff, visitors, and participants peer through the glass into the competition room, where fights are recorded and projected onto a big screen in the adjoining hall.
10·Clouds appear most prevalent north and west of Scandinavia, and between Alaska and the Russian Federation, but wide expanses of land and sea surface peer through cloud-free areas.